Anticipatory Care Planning Stories

We commissioned a series of films to introduce anticipatory care planning, how it can help to deliver person-centred care, and its benefits for people, families and their carers.

If you want to know more about anticipatory care planning or the making of these stories you can email Sheila Steel, Associate Improvement Advisor for ACP or follow her on twitter @SheilaSteel2.

A homeless person’s story – Duncan is 41 and has been in children’s homes, hostels, psychiatric care or homeless for most of his life.

A child’s story – Jack has a life-limiting condition. His parents have been told it is unlikely he’ll get to school age.

A carer’s story – Fiona was caring for her husband with cancer until he died. Now she is caring for her father alone.

An individuals story – Jim is in his fifties and is in the late stages of kidney failure caused by diabetes. His condition is terminal.

An ACP nurse’s story – Evelyn was admitted to hospital for the fourth time and diagnosed with Menieres diease. She is focussed on her illness rather than her recovery.

Find out more about Anticipatory Care Planning at